Message: Handal

THanks Plank.

Portable CD-ROM/ISO to HDD/MP3 recorder with simultaneous CD-Read/MP3-Encode/HDD-Write, or HDD-Read/MP3-Decode, to play, power saving buffer, and enhanced sound output

A combination CD-ROM and MP3 recorder/player playing a CD-ROM decodes 16-bit ISO standard code words into an audio wave form converts this wave form to sound while encoding and digitizing the wave form into 24-bit MP3 format digital data. To conserve power the MP3 data is buffered in a solid state memory, preferably of the FLASH or DRAM type, before being written to a hard disk. Both reading of the CD/ROM and encoding the read contents as MP3 data, and interchange of MP3 data with other recorder/players, can be accomplished at greater than real-time play rates, permitting that, most typically, some 1200+ musical works can transferred expediently.
Altare, William Christopher (Oceanside, CA)
Handal, Anton N. (El Cajon, CA)
Application Number:
Publication Date:
Filing Date:
Echo Mobile Music, LLC (San Diego, CA)
Primary Class:
Other Classes:
369/7, G9B/20.014, G9B/27.012, G9B/27.019, G9B/27.051
International Classes:
G11B20/10; G11B27/034; G11B27/10; G11B27/34; H04H20/00; (IPC1-7): H03M5/00
Field of Search:
369/9-10, 341/55, 369/11-12, 369/6, 369/1, 369/2, 369/7-8, 704/500
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US Patent References:
6292440 MP3 car player 2001-09-18 Lee 369/7
6061306 Portable digital player compatible with a cassette player 2000-05-09 Buchheim 369/2
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