Message: Think PROCESS

I again feel the need to hopefully help folks here in their understanding of what should be happening and how. My urge is prompted by some posts about sales teams, building prototypes, etc., none of which applies in the customary sense when it comes to patent enforcement.

Perhaps it would be helpful for some to again read my post to which this post is in reply.

There is no "sales team" or "marketing team" for licensing, other than those engaged in identifying infringers, developing data packages (demonstrating infringement) and transmitting notices of infringement to infringing entities.

There is no "road show" or "marketing campaign" approach in play as far as selling licenses.

Also, there are no "prototypes", unless you chose to build the infringers products/processes/methods, which would be pointless - they are already built. We must reverse-engineer and analyze suspected infringing products/processes/methods to determine and document infringement (data package) - and all of this is specific to each accused infringing product/process/method. Infringement contentions are product/process/method-unique, and therefore company-unique.

I am convinced that all infringing entities are already keenly aware of EDIG and our patents, because they most likely have received a Notice of Infringement from EDIG. And if they haven't, they are not "on the hook" - no Notice, no liability (again, re-read the post to which this one replies).

Now, shifting gears, I'll mouth off about the thing I and most here find most frustrating and troubling as investors - and it does have to do with Marketing. The Sales and Marketing effort needed that is IMO most applicable for EDIG, especially nowadays, has to do with marketing EDIG as an investment. And it is non-existent. And this is where IMO EDIG management fails miserably. Don't let the lawyers, who by the way WORK for EDIG, direct the actions of the company. To do so is doing a huge disservice to existing investors by assuring no further investment by them or any new investment. And thus the PPS stagnates, and even retreats on good news about which only few are aware (by reading Agora or researching independently, prompted by ???).

Who else knows? Us, and ????

This needs to change.

I'm hoping EDIG will at minimum grasp the opportunity with the anticipated PR that will accompany the 10K. IMO there is a lot to make positive noise about - loud noise. It's not like there have been no successes over the last six months (the reporting period of 4th qtr plus "Subsequent Events" to date).

Revenues? I limit my speculation to recognizing that EDIG, since the positive Claims Construction/Markman outcomes, has been in about the best possible negotiating position. The Risk lies with the infringers and the prospect of, one way or the other, a jury determining damages (one way, EDIG filing MSJs, the Judge granting the Motions, and on to a jury trial purely to determine damages; the other, carrying on with litigation to the bitter end, we win, and damages determined by jury). EDIG should be in a position to demand a respectable license fee, and get it. I seriously doubt we are settling for peanuts under present circumstances (since the beginning of the year). I anticipate the "numbers" to be impressive. Probably not "crazy big", but "impressive" (though I secretly fantasize "crazy big"! LOL).

And now I say that I am quite confident EDIG will grasp this near term opportunity to market EDIG as an investment. Mostly because, if they don't, we're lost.

FWIW, from the guy who KNOWS nuttin'!


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