Message: Think PROCESS


Anxiety has pined some here to the mat....

The whole process has been on big after the other.

Colorado ruling...complete anxiety. Unless one understands wholeheartedly what is real in the process.

Re-exam of 774...anxiety of patent ability...challenged by a defendant....

CE ruling blocking the positive re-exam of 774....complete anxiety.

108 pinned to 774 in the CE process....added tension to the CE ruling.

The appeal process...6 to 8 months of anxiety...

Claims construction process proceeding PRIOR to appeal even being resolved....horrifying anxiety.

Appeal resolved prior to a claims const ruling....Relief of some of the tension...

108 claims construction resolved....Complete Relief of anxiety...

Then the Micron IPR...My god, when does it end.....,?????

You have all been on one vicious trip.

My hats off to any one that survived the process.

We now wait for a glimmer of hope in the qt to be reported....with anxiety.

There is nothing else to comment on...other than commentary that exhibits more anxiety over nothing.


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