Message: Think PROCESS

Are you suggesting that the legal team "directs the actions of the company"?

Then you say "Like it or not, they hold the future of this company.". No, they don't. They are a component of this company, just as the engineering/R&D staff are a component of this company, and their contribution and level of talent is even more important IMO (that said, I obviously hold the engineering team in very high regard).

Does the legal team, or the engineering staff for that matter, give a darn about shareholders - the owners of this company? Ans.: NO One, it's not their job.

Lawyers care about getting deals done and making their piece of the action (which is okay, we want an element of greedy in the legal team). Engineers care about company funding of their next big project.

NEITHER are equipped to effectively run a company, nor are they inclined to do or suggest (or "direct") what is best for shareholders. Put another way, can you envision the lawyers or the engineering staff EVER promoting the concept of issuing a dividend? Or initiating a share buy-back? Not even on their RADAR....

That is management's job - to create shareholder value.

I'll let it go at that.... The PR with the upcoming 10K will tell the story. We are on the very cusp of a much anticipated, with optimism, communication. And IMO, the optimism is well founded.



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