Message: Box and IBM to Team Up on Cloud Offering


I was reading an article about new "Dashboard" type software that give workers and executives a much better overview of their business and tasks than standard To Do lists and spreadsheets such as Excel. I would think that Nunchi would be able to mine sensor data to feed this new breed of work productivity.

With that said, the hardworking, multi-tasking housewife could use this type of Dashboard to manage life, fed in part by Nunchi sensor data.

A Nunchi Dashboard App!!!!

For the personal version this could include any/all main activities for a person's life; NUTRITION (restuarants, groceries, home inventory, automated home delivery, etc), EXERCISE, ERRANDS/CARPOOL, HEALTH, HOME MAINTENANCE, AUTO, etc.

If our settlements are in the range where they rightfully should be, perhaps we could find a start-up company who is building this type of app / dashboard software and marry it with Nunchi. Let's get it done!!!

I'm just a hand surgeon, but those are my 2 cents.

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