Message: Speaking of "crazy"

Or maybe many of the shareholders don't want to have a large loss. Since the value is in the penny range, they just as well may hold on for that miracle to happen.

Owning this stock doesn't have anything to do with being crazy, one purchased for simple reason, to get a nice return on the investment, whichhas not happened for thousands over ten+ years.

In my case, if the share price was even close to my investment, I would sell my shares in total. I have sold some over the years to offset capital gains.

I know this, time is running out. The income stream from patent settlements is minimal and could be tied up for a few years on the new platforms, even if we have final proof that the patents are valid.

We have no knowledge of any future income from sales or royalties and if they would produce enough income to impact the share price beyond a point tht would provide a return for most of the shareholders.

A dilemma as I see it.

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