Message: IPR2015-01470 ---a little update--FWIW

"With that, at the end of the day, Google/Nest might realize that settling/buy-out with e.Digital, and stopping the IPRs process dead in its track, would be to their advantage:"

"In that scenario, and as things stand between MSFT and Google, there will not be any related IP issues between them, or will there be?"

Only if one feels the other is

I have considered what you have ventured.

As it looks to me, if you review my prior post, and this Miluzzo/Robarts issue....what an examiner considers....there's a lot that favors e.Digital with this combination being a complete zero....

As I noted, Miluzzo can not get the graces of the USPTO regarding its WO patent and a provisional or a straight out application. It should be given zero consideration just on its own merits.


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