Message: Recent patent # 522 (NUNCHI) citation by Intel
Jun 23, 2016 06:30AM

Publication number US9218813 B2

Publication type Grant

Application number US 13/995,476

PCT number PCT/CN2013/072590

Publication date Dec 22, 2015

Filing date Mar 14, 2013

Priority date Mar 14, 2013

Also published as CN104995865A, EP2974124A1,US20150134330, WO2014139117A1

Inventors James A. Baldwin, Guangli Zhang

Original Assignee Intel Corporation

Export Citation BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan

Patent Citations (17), Non-Patent Citations (1), Classifications (13),Legal Events (1)

External Links: USPTO, USPTO Assignment, Espacenet

Voice and/or facial recognition based service provision

US 9218813 B2


Apparatuses, methods and storage medium associated with voice and/or facial recognition based service provision are disclosed herein. In embodiments, an apparatus may include a voice recognition engine and a facial recognition engine configured to provide, individually or in cooperation with each other, identification of a user at a plurality of identification levels. The apparatus may further include a service agent configured to provide a service to a user of the apparatus, after the user has been identified at least at an identification level required to receive the service. Other embodiments may be described and/or claimed.


Cited Patent Filing date Publication date Applicant Title

US8028896 * Oct 4, 2011 Bank Of America Corporation Authentication methods for use in financial transactions and information banking

US8181858 * Aug 26, 2011 May 22, 2012 Bank Of America Corporation Information banking

US8311522 * Nov 13, 2012 E.Digital Corporation

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