Message: RE: Since Fred Falk is impressed with Will Blakeley`s work ethic.........

RE: Since Fred Falk is impressed with Will Blakeley`s work ethic.........

posted on Dec 15, 2005 08:10AM
Fred`s role has changed. He is now no longer the primary ``salesperson``. That job was ATul`s and is now Mr. Blakely`s. Fred told me, so I don`t think its anything that is secret, that since Renee Warden left he has taken over her job, that being primarily operational. He now makes sure the payroll is met, orders are sent, staying on top of orders, paying the rent, etc....He also is involved in selling with Mr. Blakley. BUT SELLING IS NOT FULLY ON HIS SHOULDERS AND HASN`T BEEN FOR SOME TIME. In my opinion he is doing one hellava job wearing his many hats.

I did ask him about various aspects of the ``failed`` business efforts of EDig over the years and was told by him and I completely believe what he said since we all know most of the circumstance, about ``could we have been the IPOD if we had done things differently at the time.

He answered an unequivically ``YES`` At the time all this was shaking out EDig was using (please forgive me if I make a mistake here as to what companies were involved because so much was said and I am confusing who was what) Lucent? compression technology and Apple was using another company (?) Lucent was high on the list of those willing to jump into the MPEG market but Lucent? was arrogant and was charging ``BIG TIME TOP DOLLARS`` for its technology, way more than its competitors even though the product was as good if not better.

The phone did not ring at Lucent, but went to the company now providing that service to APple....(damn I wish I could remember the name) Lucent subsequently made the calls trying to re-establish contacts and dramatically lowered its price on its tech but it was too late and they missed out so that meant EDig and the MXP-100 and the Oydessy faded into history.

If Lucent had not been so arragant about its tech the IPOD could very have been EDod. The reason I am bringing all this up is to show how dependant for success on its ``partners`` a company like EDig is.

Perhaps there are those of you are hammering EDig but almost of its failures were due to its lack of money to do the job itself and circumstances of dependancy and follow through of its partners. JUST REMEMBER THE DOORS ARE STILL OPEN AND BUSINESS IS BEING DONE.

That is very important because Fred stated many time during our conversation ``that EDig has learned from its mistakes`` and have set on a company business plan that WILL NOT BE DEPENDANT ON OTHERS FOR ITS SUCCESS OR FAILURE.

RE: the MV. There are no middle men involved in what is transpiring with this product. No partners...It is being sold and being bought by EDig and straight to the customer, and if one chooses to believe Mr. Falk, (which I do) there is a lot of interest out there for this completely unique concept, which by the way THERE IS NO COMPETITION. This interest, as explained to me, is not just FF ``saying`` but companies doing. Companies who already know of and have expressed an interest.

As Fred said, ``the potential for the MV to be successful in the areas we are going after is huge compared to the limited potential of the DP``, if successful.

By the way the MV is a completely new product from the ground up. The DP is ``old technology`` The MV has completely different system etc...and since I am nowhere near being a ``techie`` I could not explain that on a bet. The reason for creating a new product from the ground up was due to its concerns that BOW would jump into the fray if the MV had ANY DIGEPLAYER features in it and claim some form of ownership.

EDig, if you are beginning to get the drift, has a very precarious relationship with BOW. Business is not easy with this man and EDig`s success or lack of success rests soley on the shoulders of a man who will accept nothing less than complete and utter control, which EDig is unwilling to give and is right to do so.

That creates tension when BOW knows he has to grit his teeth to do business with us, but he has to....


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