Message: Fred`s Job?

Fred`s Job?

posted on Dec 15, 2005 02:50PM
I guess the company has a new $155,000 a year secretary/ bookkeeper. LOL

Per Sunpoop:

``Fred`s role has changed. He is now no longer the primary ``salesperson``. That job was ATul`s and is now Mr. Blakely`s. Fred told me, so I don`t think its anything that is secret, that since Renee Warden left he has taken over her job, that being primarily operational. He now makes sure the payroll is met, orders are sent, staying on top of orders, paying the rent, etc....He also is involved in selling with Mr. Blakley. BUT SELLING IS NOT FULLY ON HIS SHOULDERS AND HASN`T BEEN FOR SOME TIME. In my opinion he is doing one hellava job wearing his many hats.``

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