Message: The CES and EDigital

The CES and EDigital

posted on Dec 15, 2005 08:56PM
RP stated to me, ``EDig will have a presence at the CES``. That`s it. I asked ``what kind of presence``...No answer..

I assumed from that statement that EDig would be doing what it has done the past few years, either have a corner of a company booth we have a close relationship with, such as INtel, or just make the rounds of the upstairs meeting rooms.

In talking to FF however, my assumption, as well as that of others on this board, may be incorrect. He stated ``we MAY have a presence at the CES but it will be as an observer in the sense of a ``customer`` looking for the latest technology that could fit into Edig`s business plans.`` He, in specific, mentioned, quite a few times, new ``screens`` in particular, a screen that is paper thin and bends resulting in a shape like a half moon where the picture could be seen from any angle. I``m sure you ``techies`` could find a number of uses for it.

Fred also stated that EDig had no reason to be at the CES other than mentioned above. EDig`s business plan is not based on having a booth and showing off its wares. One reason being is it is not a productive way to get the biggest bang for your buck in advertising who you are and what you have to offer. CES is a huge, all incompassing, show. It contains just about everything electronic one can find anywhere. A little company like EDig gets lost in the shuffle.

More specifically he mentioned shows that are ``themed`` such as the WAEA designed for the airline industry and the IFE. He also was quite high on a hospital convention in Miami I believe in June.(just my opinion but I think EDig MAY have a booth at that one) Also other conventions specically for cruise ships and the transportation industries.

When I asked who would be there, the CES, he said Will, or Will and myself, or perhaps no-one. So we have two thoughts on the subject. Time will tell....

On the subject of moving its offices....The building they and ATCO are in is in the proscess of being sold. The new owner wants to gut the entire place and redo it to its own specifications. Fred thinks it may be a phramacology company but is not sure. The present owner of the building is working with EDig to find it a suitable place to move in the area. EDig will not have to move until their present landlord finds them that place. It will be nearby due to EDig`s employees who live in the area.

Another tidbit about the Medeviewer. The engineers are working on putting a GPS in the unit tied to areas in which it is to be used. Such as on a cruise ship when passing a landmark. The movie you are watching will stop and the screen will show that landmark, the history of it...etc.. then when the landmark is passed return to the movie. The same with the Rental Car industry. A very popular and requested feature. There is much more to the MV. I did not take notes and my mind is getting blank about all I was told. Needless to say Freds technological description and its capabilities of the unit is quite different than the DP. My brain was in whirl trying to decifer and then remember it all. Since I am technologically challenged it was an utter failure.

I think one of you ``techies``, Emit, Doni, Waldo or whoever should call Fred, not RP, and ask him just that one question. ``What are the differences between the DP and the MV? I was surprised at his answer. I thought the MV was an upgraded DP, but its not, it entirely new....Quite interesting if you understand all that....

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