Message: Buy Real/fake Driver’s License, Passports,ID Cards,(gorgeavelson@... USA Green Card,Citizenship

"why aren't we OTF? Because we are going to the server?"

The article was about storing sensor data collected by  devices and storing that data prior to analytical algorithmic processing where the data stored, in many cases, never get  processed or analyzed.

It's all about the server, the devices that collect the data by way of sensors and push it to the server are nothing more than input devices e.g...NestCam. However, these input devices have to collect this sensor data 24/7 in a simple manner having organizational attributes(e.Digital 445 OS) of the data to make it simple for the server to process the data as fast as possible(e.Digital NUNCHI)....or On the Fly... where after it is fully processed it is then stored.

NestCam collects audio and video...etc.. where  these sensor data types are analytically processed into descriptive details ... all processed On the Fly be viewed buy an account owner at their discretion... in the real-time moment or at a later time... 


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