Message: Just got a reply from Christopher R. Barclay ( DELAWARE: Trustee )

 I recommend that you consult with a bankruptcy attorney.

This is precisely what Fred, the board members, possibly Nunally, and Edig are counting on.  They have legal representation and have a specific plan as how to fleece the stock holders and end up with what ever they can.  We, on the other hand, are a group of disparate entities, without legal representation, and without an organized plan of attack to defend our position.  The first trustee meeting is in one week and no one is willing or able to put up the money to hire our own bankruptcy attorney and as a group it cannot be organized that quickly.  All this said, I have no doubt that something untoward is being crammed down our collective throats.  So apparently the patents are mentioned somewhere, but we no not where.  Either this is a fraud that began when the annual numbers were not filed or it has been a fraud for at least the past ten years or so.  If the patents have no value then it has been a 10 year fraud to pay the Edig employees and the attorneys.  You win some and you lose some.  

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