Sep 20, 2017 01:09PM
Sep 20, 2017 02:12PM
Sep 20, 2017 02:13PM
Sep 20, 2017 02:29PM

You have interesting comments which I cannot answer without writing a book but I will try to be brief in saying the trustee, Mr. Barclay, has two filings with the court ABSOLUTELY, WITHOUT ANY DOUBT, is COMPLETELY AGAINST this BK going through.

Both of these filings are DEVISTRATING to EDig's request and if you want to read them I am sure anyone with a Pacer account will pass them on to you..


Anything can happen but in almost all cases the jJudge has no other input in a case like this than what the trustee has informed her of... This is strictly the case filed regarding the DELAWARE CORPORATION and the only one this case will be heard on.

The Delaware Corporation is where ALL THE VALUE OF EDIGITAL RESIDES....Patents, shareholders etc....The Callifornia Corporation has no assets and no value however the Trustee in that case has not given any definitive indication of what his intention is so that is to be waited for.

If one can go by precedence then the Judge in the Delaware Case will MOST likely rule in the manner that Mr. Barclay has found. In that case EDig will be a "zombie corporation" with no CEO, no BOD but still an active corporation.

If that occurs then Mr. Barclay will be in complete control to appoint a new CEO or do anything else he deems it is in his power. The BOD and CEO, FF, have resigned and even if EDig reconstitued will have nothing to do with the company UNLESS Mr. Barclay re-appoints him to "TRY AGAIN". That scenario is highly unlikely.

This is where all our work has been aimed at. A favorable ruling from the Judge and having some input in the appointment of a new CEO with the power and RESOURCES to make EDig a going concern again.

Pat Nunally, Fred (SMAN) and John (BANKERSON) have put much time, effort and money in gathering information almost no-one would have gathered and would surprise everyone here if they had the time to post it.

There is more, however I am having a "brain fog" so I am forced to remember, which at my age, is quite the feat..


Sep 20, 2017 02:57PM
Sep 20, 2017 03:03PM
Sep 20, 2017 03:19PM
Sep 20, 2017 03:29PM
Sep 21, 2017 01:19PM
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