Message: So what IS going on with edig lately..??

What good does it do to say "nothing new to report"? Courtesy. There has been absolutely nothing going on on this board, I posed a bunch of questions and no one responded. I would have been fine if all I got back was either "nothing" or "nothing we can say". 

 Let's face it, this forum and Pats tweets are the only place to get ANY sort of information on EDIG at the moment. I don't need to be chastised (which historically happens on this board if you ask questions or challenge anything), for trying to find out as much information as I can on my investment. 
  It has been said numerous times by emit and others here that a lawyer should be hired to give us a fighting chance. Even one of the trustees suggested this if I am remembering correctly. That's all out there in the public, not a secret. So if there were an update on that front I'd like to know. And if there isn't, I'd also like to know. Nothing wrong with that. And I can guarantee you that the many that lurk here, still invested, would agree. 
  Are you saying that if those investors here that helped reverse the chapter 7 have hired a lawyer, which again would be no secret to the "opposition", they should keep it to themselves and not share because it wouldn't be fair to them if others here decide to make an investment decision based on that? Well then yes, I do think that's absurd. Especially since many others here have also offered to financially help with those efforts. 
 And how in the world do you know that Pat is making his tweets cryptic?! They're not even cryptic so much as they just make him appear frustrated with no progress and being frozen out. What would even be the strategic point of writing cryptic tweets lol? That wouldn't accomplish anything. 
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