Message: EDIG : Grey Market

The patents are virtually worthless, as we have seen from litigation and marketing efforts.  Alernatively, a conspiracy theory would be that Falk wanted the company to go bankrupt so that the patents, if they have value, would be forfeited and thus free of the shareholders.  Good luck proving the latter, because the SEC doesn't care and won't act of its own accord, and the shareholders will never bring a legal action.

Another conspiracy theory is that the small group of shareholders who stymied the bankruptcy proceeding were offered a deal by Falk/Nunally to cease their efforts in return for some kind of interest in the new water device company.  That could be the explanation of why those shareholders, quite suddenly, "went silent" (NDAs?) and no longer post anything of substance here in this forum (nor do they answer any of my PMs, but that could be explained on the basis that they just don't like me).  Has such a thing actually occurred?  No way to know for sure, at least at present.  Again, it is just a theory   ---   it seems to "fit", but is short on facts and long on speculation.

I don't intend to post any further about this, because none of it is is going to make any difference anyway.  You asked and I responded, but IMO the bottom line is that EDIG is dead, and that Falk/Nunally/whomever have moved on while jettisoning the retail shareholders who supported them for so many years.


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