Message: RE: Get it done Will !!!...DEAN...

RE: Get it done Will !!!...DEAN...

posted on Jan 11, 2006 07:12AM
You can have a million REFERANCE DESIGNS by others, in price ranges $199-$650, and it makes no difference to EDIG

and eVU...

As you say, WILL should focus of ``SELLING`` only one 800 pound GORILLA to take the eVU to the ``MARKET``...

And, from all indications ``the phones are ringing off the walls``, and we should get PRS on who the ``CUSTOMERS`` are

in this Quarter...

Seriously, I can`t recall a time in the past 6 years that

EDIG had a better chance of becoming a ``profitable`` tech. company...

It would be sweet indeed if Mr. WENCOR ``drops`` EDIG`s contract re dieplayer, and airlines came calling for the eVU version...

Good Luck to all...


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