Message: RE: Wencor IFE .........John..Bill...DaBoss

RE: Wencor IFE .........John..Bill....

posted on Jan 11, 2006 02:30PM

Yep, that would be my guess as well. EDIG needs the intrastructure of a sales team and all the admin to get product into the right hands. Wencor has done all of the heavy lifting and they may stick around to catch the eVU wave or they may choose to do their own thing should they have the tech power to do so.

Either way, EDIG has opportunities as long as they do not let Wencor string them along. Surely, Willy is that smart. If the numbers drop below expected levels, they EDIG could be looking for a new IFE partner.

While IFE pays the bills today, no organization is getting rich on selling IFE portables. At this point, the market is not there for any company. Plus, the credit risk is always there with almost all of the major airlines.

It seems like a good call to go forth and sell some closed systems with content. We will know in a few months if it was the right call.


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