Message: RE: e-mail from Putnam....Gil...billwilke...``expect``

RE: e-mail from Putnam....Gil...bill...

posted on Jan 19, 2006 05:33AM
Standard language in all companies forward looking statements. However, their lack of delivering on expectations ranks them low on the performance charts. $.07 makes that very clear. So what can we do about it???

NADA except sell, buy or hold. Those in the latter two categories are best served by not bashing the company daily when there has been a change in management, a new product introduced and new markets targeted.

``Also, we expect our first eVU orders to ship next quarter and expect fiscal 2006 revenues will exceed fiscal 2005 revenues. We also look forward to announcing eVU customers next quarter and throughout calendar 2006.

No ``expect`` in that last statement...

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