Message: Phantom Money

Got nothing to impeach him on yet but, if the idiots who voted him into office last time don't stop him in 2012, the damage to this country may be irreversible.

Note: I don't classify the black voters, environmentalists, illegal aliens, union activists or starry eyed idealists as idiots. Some voted for him thinking they'll get something for nothing....and they're getting it. They knew what they were doing. It's the so-called moderates and independents and women voters (voting with their hormones) who are the idiots. They got snookerd by this silver tongued fraud who promised them a paradise on earth.

Obama and the Dems are going to make them sorry they ever stepped into a voting booth. Already there's evidence of voter remorse. Obama's plan to redistribute the wealth and nationalism our economy is insidious. Every move being made by Obama and his Dem Congress is designed to turn this country into a Socialized state He's even trying to manage the news...although I don't know why....the major networks are already in the tank for him.

This guy has to be stopped. So far the Republicans have been a feckless group of wild swinging reflexes. No chance.....unless they circle the wagons and wage a united war. They were lucky to have lost they have to find a way to get rid of those two stealth Liberals in Maine.

Gotta stop blood pressure bell just rang. :>)

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