Message: An American Citizen/Soldier

An American Citizen/Soldier

posted on Jun 23, 2009 02:05PM


Sir, while I can appreciate your point of view and respect your right as an American citizen to speak your mind I must respectfully diasgree with a few points.

I am an American citizen and I do not agree that with the point that every ‘Real American’ shares your views. I am an American woman, I do not believe in the Judeo-Christian God (and no, for the record I am not a Muslim), I am a veteran and yes I have shed blood and have personally dealt death in the name of America. While I do respect the values this country was founded on and I in no way wish to erase those beginnings or insult my fellow countrymen and women who follow a religious doctrine, I do not like being considered ‘Un American’ or ‘Unpatriotic’ because I choose not to follow a doctrine YOU choose to be acceptable.

I have seen a lot of the world and the inhumanity of the human race, some of these people use the thin veil of religion to bring about these these evils….

I served under the former administration and I saw how the cavalier behavior of said administration caused anger around the world, not just the Middle East. You speak of Mr. Obama’s behavior to Great Britian. Please, you ask the average British citizen what they think of former President Bush and I can promise you you will get an earful.

I believe that Mr. Obama is having to make concessions to the world to prove that he is not a walking penis with ears like I believe Mr. Bush to be. I do not want to see my President bow and scrape to the countries of the world but I do think that he is going to have to work hard to show the world that we are not the ‘country that Bush built’. I also believe that he is trying to point out to the world that America is truly the melting pot of peoples and religions that we and the world have come to call The Unites States of America. If we look to call our citizens who follow another faith outside of Christianity be it Muslim, or any other religion as ‘less than’ are we not acting like the very countries that we have pointed fingers at?

Speaking as a recent member of the military services I can tell you if we were to be attacked in a large scale attempted invasion, I believe we would not be able to save ourselves as we are seriously under staffed in the military, using substandard equipment and are spread about the globe (especially the Middle East) like ‘too little butter spread over to much bread’. Great Britian, good friend that they are would be lucky to be able to save themselves without outside help (as W.W.II has taught us). WE NEED MORE FRIENDS, I believe we need to re-evaluate our standing in the world community and we need to do some drastic changing if we wish to survive.

History has taught us that those who think too highly of themselves, think of themselves as infallible, invincible, righteous will eventually fall (if you need examples… Ancient Rome, Napoleonic France, The EMPIRE of Great Britian, W.W.II era Germany, the U.S.S.R….you get the idea).

I personally do not agree with everything that Mr. Obama has done while in office, on the world stage as well as in our own country. He, however is our President and I support my President. If you do not like his behavior, if you do not like what Mr. Obama is doing I will fight for your right to disagree,to speak your mind, to shout at the top of your lungs things that may offend me to my very core. I will do this because you are my felllow American and as such deserve my support and protection.

Now Mr. Bell, will you fight for me?

Best Regards,
An American Citizen/Soldier

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