Message: Re: His name is PRAVDA
Jun 23, 2009 09:44PM

Re: His name is PRAVDA

posted on Jun 24, 2009 09:41AM

"We should have picked a Pres with some business Ron Paul."

Unfortunately, Hotrod, that will never happen. He doesn't have neither the star power nor the leftist message required by the press....the excessively liberal press. Much of the American electorate are a bunch of boobs. they have no idea of the cause and effect relationship between government nationalization, excessive spending and the general welfare of the economy. These boobs have signed their own economic death warrant and don't know it. They don't want to look past the promises made by this incompetent, Pied Piper. They've been snookered and they don't even realize it. It's understandable that the dregs of society would vote for Obama. he has the perfect message for them.....don't worry, stay with the program and we'll take care of you. Of course there are those who admit that this movement towards Marxism is exactly what they want. You'll never change their "minds"

The people who are going to regret they voted for him are the so-called Independents, the heretofore thinking Democrats and, unfortunately, some Republicans. What the hell could they be thinking about when they pulled that lever? It was soooo obvious how this guy was a proponent of Nationalism. All they needed to know was clearly laid out for them.....the prior acquaintances who shaped his political philosophy ....and his brief but ultra leftist voting record in Congress.

This guy is the worst thing that could have happened to this great country. He's only slightly right of Hugo Chavez. It's up to us to see that he doesn't get a second term. I never took an active role in politics but, if I'm still alive in 2012, I'll be out there knocking on doors. What we need is a viable opponent. So far nobody comes to mind.

Jun 24, 2009 10:11AM

Jun 25, 2009 02:24PM
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