Message: Is this the OT board?

Is this the OT board?

posted on Jul 04, 2009 04:25PM

A brief overview for reporters waking up from the coma. <= (click and watch first if not familiar with the video from the press conference)

First of all, welcome back. It is now July 2, and the year is 2009.

The following information is provided here to bring you up to date, as you may not be aware you have been in a coma for the past 30 months, some perhaps more.

On the war in Iraq: America did not lose the war in Iraq, despite all the predictions and warnings from Senate leaders such as John Murtha, Harry Reid, and House of Representative speaker Nacy Pelosi.

On the 2008 election: In early 2008, Barak Obama -a relatively unknown community organizer from Illinois, who had only served 143 days as a senator from Illinois gathered enough votes in the primaries to win the Democratic party's nomination at the convention in the summer of 2008. Shortly thereafter, many questions were raised over the true location of this candidate's birth, and whether or not he was constitutionally qualified to be elected as President. Much of the questions raised over these qualifications are still unanswered today in the court system which will not allow the cases to proceed, news organizations that still will not perform in-depth investigative reporting on this story, and law enforcement officials who (despite being required to uphold the constitution) will not allow the facts presented with forensic documentation be investigated in an official capacity. Today, that community organizer has been selected to hold the highest office in the country, that of President. In this position, he has proposed many programs and spending bills, the likes of which the country has never seen before.

On the economy: In late summer 2008, after the nomination by the Democrat party of this senator, the economy started to slip into a mild recession. Within 2 days of his election, the Dow had fallen 780 points, which represented a 10% drop in two days, and it was the largest after election drop in over 108 years, exceeding the 6% loss in 1948. As of today, the unemployment rate is 9.5%, which is up 3% from the unemployment rate of 6.5% in October, 2008 immediately preceding the election, and those who are still employed today have an average work week of 33 hours, which is the lowest in history.

On legislation in Congress: The House of Representatives, led by its speaker Nancy Pelosi, has passed the largest tax increase in the history of the world. The campaign promise of Barak Obama to sign into law the bill he admitted during the campaign that "...electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket" with this bill was passed despite overwhelming opposition from the citizens and climatologists who understand that the plan submitted and passed is nothing but a tax and spend program that will have no affect on its intended goal to reduce planetary temperatures. This, however, is not the only bill which has passed since January, 2009 which subjects the citizens to a significant tax increase, nor is it the first passed again with an overwhelming majority of the citizens opposed to the bill.

On the economy (part 2) and business: Barak Obama has nationalized General Motors, and publicly ridiculed companies and their employees who have been paid according to contractual agreements by private and public companies. Many of these companies were required by the government to accept money -even if the company did not need it- so that he can exercise governmental control over private individuals and companies.

On the Press: Finally, this letter is directed at you. It appears that slowly you are waking up to the lack of transparency as you have recently remarked at the press conference. While you were in the coma, Doctors have diagnosed your condition as "Bush Derangement Syndrome". This "BDS" prevented you from raising the questions regarding Obama's plans and qualifications and put you in this coma. Questions over associations with ACORN, Bill Ayers, Antoin Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, Emil Jones, Rashid Khalidi, Govenor Rod Blagojevich, Michael Pfleger, among others were never investigated until after November 4, 2008 (and only then, in a cursory mention in articles asking if the press could do a better job next time). Meanwhile, the rest of the country has recognized this disease over the past few years, and many more have been cured over the past eight months. It now appears that you are finally waking up from your years long coma as you begin to actually question this administration on why you are not getting your questions answered and point out how they are controlling you. Once cured of BDS, it's entirely possible both viewership and readership of your news organizations will go up as the citizens will once again turn to its media for actual news.

Welcome to the Socialist transistion of America. It is now summer 2009. However, IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO STOP THE TRANSITION if you can go back to acting like reporters who actually ASK QUESTIONS AND INVESTIGATE much like reporters used to do 30, 40 and 50 years or more years ago no matter which party was in power.

Recovery is easy... just open your eyes, question WHY do we need these bills, demand proof of the cause of the 'problems' the bills will solve (and that a clear lexus exists between the cause, bill and solution) and above all, INVESTIGATE the claims. A simple starting point might be to ask why global temperatures are increasing on Mars (the planet; not Mars, Pennsylvania or Mars, texas) at the next press conference.

Perhaps you can also start asking questions about the real cost of socialized medicine (nothing is free) the costs of not drilling for our own oil, the cost of all the 'bailouts' (who bailed out the horse and buggy operators in the early 1900's?), and the costs of all the other programs to bail out everyone BUT the common taxpayer?


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