Message: 52 or 48 (equals 100% State Secret) ?

52 or 48 (equals 100% State Secret) ?

posted on Aug 22, 2009 07:14AM

and it would seem this is the ONE secret that the government media complex CAN keep under wraps....

See Obama's official myspace page; he now says he is 52 years old! Doesn't his online COLB say he is 48 years old?
To everyone who is SO SURE that Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961: even his MySpace page can’t figure out when he was born!
he was born in 2 continents (North America, Africa)
he was born in 2 countries (USA, Kenya)
he was born at 3 different hospitals (Kenya's Coast Provincial Hospital, Kapiolani Hospital, Qeen's hospital)
he was born in 2 different years (1957, 1961)
he has a gazzillion names (Barry Soetoro, Barry Dunham, barack hussein obama.......)
he is a 'Christian'
he is a Muslim
he is white
he is black
he is Arab

Who are the “Birthers” today – those people who feel that Barack Obama should release his personal records he has kept sealed by lawyers, contrary to precident of all former US Presidents? Here’s a short list of those who qualify according to the definitions of the White House “anti-birther” spokespeople, "birthers" in this instance meaning anyone who feels the story has some legitimacy.

This isn’t last years “birther” list:

Lou Dobbs
CNN’s longest-running news anchor who has been with CNN from the beginning and is at the top of the chain at CNN. Dobbs is convinced that there is a story and logic to this issue.


Israeli prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
who is convinced that Obama in unqualified and is demanding not just the Birth certificate, but passport and school records.


Rep. John Sullivan (R-Okla.)
questioned the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate: “Obama is creating an enemies list of people who oppose this miserable health care plan. …That’s from a guy that can’t even show a long-form birth certificate. I think we all ought to be prepared to fight that.”


is also not only calling for Obama to release his records, but has actually said the following: “The only thing weirder than the birthers are the anti-birthers.” In other words, it’s quite too weird to dedicate yourself to the idea that Obama should NOT release his records and put this issue to rest!


Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga,
Kenyan Ambassador Peter Ogego and all of Kenya, apparently, are not only convinced that Obama should release his records, but that he was actually born his their country.


Lynn Samuels
A VERY LIBERAL NYC Radio fixture for over 25 years has not only called for Obama’s records, but has repeatedly called Obama a liar and ineligible to be president based on Obama’s reluctance to turn over his records.


11 US Conressmen sponsored a bill on the subject as a result of the “birther” controversy, making it quite implicit that they believe there is much to the issue that needs to be addressed and resolved.


Rep. John Campbell, R-Calif.,


Congressman Roy Blunt
said President Obama hasn't produced a birth certificate


U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala
"Well, his father was Kenyan and they said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven't seen any birth certificate,"


Rep. Eric Swafford of Tennessee,
who agreed to be a plaintiff "for a Writ of Mandamus to obtain original birth certificate, immigration records, passports and other vital records for Barry Soetero aka Barack Hussein Obama."


African American NY Pastor Dr James David Manning,
Founder and Pastor of ATLAH, one of urban New York City’s largest churches and a world-wide ministry, is absolutely outraged by Obama’s secretiveness, and preaches that in one of the most densely populated African American populations in the United States. Via online videos and a daily 3-hour radio broadcast heard Monday through Friday, almost daily Dr Manning calls for Obama to disclose his personal documents to put this issue to rest or resign from office.


Major Stefan Cook
refused deployment until Obama unsealed his records and proved eligibility to serve as commander-in-chief. When the case was admitted into court, the Government simply dropped Cook's military orders without military consequence, though they did manage to get him fired from his civilian job.


Radio Host Steve Malzberg
Has taken on the issue passionately and is no stranger to the airwaves. A guest host on stations around the country sitting in for Bill Bennett and Mike Gallagher on the Salem Radio Network, and John Gibson and others on Fox Radio. The Steve Malzberg Show is heard nationally via the WOR Radio Network.


Ambassador Alan Keyes
Whose long and illustrious career goes back to the Reagan Administration and one of Obama’s most uncompromising critics is one of the Plaintiffs demanding Obama show his credentials in legal action.


Lt. Col. Donald Sullivan
sought a temporary restraining order to stop the Electoral College vote in North Carolina until Barack Obama's eligibility could be confirmed, alleging doubt about Obama's citizenship.


Lt. Easterling, As a retired US Army SFC,
Filed suit to force Obama to prove his eligibility.


Local newspapers,
fueled by an education from their angry readers, have begun to openly report and editorialize that the story is a legit issue, at least insomuch as Obama fuels the issue himself with seeming deep paranoia. Here’s a good example: “An Open letter To Barack Obama”


Newspapers around the world
ranging from the liberal London Times to the Conservative Canadian Free Press to Russia’s socialist newspaper, Pravda, have called out Obama to release his long form birth certificate, Pravda going so far as to insist that Obama step down from office if he does not. Here are a couple of examples from Pravda

Last week there was a blistering condemnation of Obama and the leftist media in the US on Obama’s citizenship issue at Australia.TO , Australia’s official national news website, which now puts these angers and complaints all the way to the other side of the world. Here’s the op-ed


Lawyers around the country
are taking up dozens of very recent US Soldier’s cases to determine if Obama is eligible to be their commander-in-chief. These are all highly educated individuals and the military men are often career, high-ranking officers.


The Globe, While generally regarded as a tabloid,
has nevertheless had two very serious front-page stories covering, generally, the US military suits against Obama for his records.


Maj. Gen. Carroll D. Childers
agreed to be a plaintiff in legal action


A well-documented AOL poll
recently showed as much as 85% of those who participated believe that Obama should release his personal records and put this issue to rest.


Virtually every cable news outlet
has mentioned on-air, sometimes repeatedly, that they get thousands of e-mails *every day* from citizens demanding more coverage of this issue.


The Supreme Court,
alone, has to date received more than 60,000 letters from Americans on this issue, all demanding disclosure from Obama.

World Net Daily,
a respected online news organization and one of the few online-only news organizations recognized at White House news briefings, has a petition for Obama to disclose his birth certificate, and already has well in excess of a *half million signatures* alone.


BY THIS RECKONING everyone BUT the White House and their political allies and operatives in the entire world are kooky “birthers”.

In 6 months, thanks to Obama’s unprecedented LACK of the transparency he promised, growingly, Presidents and Prime Ministers around the world, allies and contentious leaders alike, cannot rest assured if treaties signed by Obama are legal, or even if he can be trusted. For those who have less concern about political matters, Obama has made the US the laughing stock of the world. Not the “birthers”. Obama. Because only he can end this mess he, himself, created when he pro-actively sealed his records from public view through his lawyers.

The time has long since come for the White House to stop dodging this issue with insults, shrugs, waves of the hand and insinuations as to the character and intelligence of now, essentially, the entire world.

It’s time for Obama to show a modicum of courage and stifle appearances of gross suspicion and paranoia to the point of seeming emotionally unbalanced and simply release the documents so the world can be done with this. And this must be done long before Congress votes on any “Health care” legislation.

Just how many more countries will ask for proof as well.... and refuse to acknowledge this "administration's" policy regarding relations with same until he shows he is qualified? Will Isreal refuse to listen to or consider Obama regarding Isreal's own policies in the mid-east? What about other countries?

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