Message: I sent this-pm to OZ, but eveyrone needs it

This product came out in 2006; it's FDA/EPA approved and it has two patents on it. I use it for UTIs. It will kill MRSA and staff-infections, herpies and even works on AIDS. Cures 143 different ailments associated to viruses/bacteria/mold/fungas. It cures Malaria in 7 days. It's Not the old Collodial-Silver that will turn you blue; it's ionized into a nano-partical that only stays in your system for 48hrs. You can put 4-5 drops in a glass of stream/lake/river water wait 6 minutes and drink it. The second link 'silversolutionsusa' is where I get mine. Check out third link for sure.

This tells a lot about it -

This is where I buy it

This is where I learned about it

More info on Silver healing history


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