Message: Hillary to the rescue

Hillary is falling on her sword, taking blame for the Lybia hit. The administration was undoubtedly pressuring her to make that statement. It might slow the bleeding for the Prez long enough to get him thru the election. However, after election day, whether or not he's reelected, the incident will lose it's political importance and will be ignored by the media.

It's going to be interesting to see if there's a question about Lybia. If so, it's supposed to come from the public. However, the decision to use it or not will be Crowley's. If she doesn't use it, she'll be open to criticism......and justly so.

Now that Hillary has attempted to deflect crticism away from Obama, how will he respond to questions in the debate (if they're allowed). Will he confirm Hillary's mea culpa? If so, that might not go down so well with the electorate. It might be viewed as piling on and confirm the widely held notion that Obama consistently blames others for his mistakes. Then again, he can't defend Hillary without shifting some of the blame to himself. It looks like a no win for him either way.

I don't like "town hall" formats for what are supposed to be "debates". I'd prefer to see the antagonists butt heads rather than respond to third party questions. In this particular case, it takes a decided advantage away from Romney.

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