a nice story from DRC ...
Seismic Project in DRC – The End
On October 20, 2010 GII successfully finalized the 2D seismic Project along 13 lines, with the total length of 204Km. The project was conducted at the LOTSHI concession, west DRC, on behalf of the American oil company - EnerGulf Resources, Inc.
The seismic survey was complicated, complex and challenging both logistically and geophysically. Its successful termination contributed to GII's reputation - placing GII as a target focused organization, committed to high quality of execution.
Not less important is to mention the exceptional relationship built with the local employees; a kind based on confidence, mutual respect and appraisal, which was expressed in the last week by emotional gestures of farewell ceremonies; processions that passed through villages, with decorated vehicles, accompanied by orchestras of local ethnic tools giving a rhythm to the singers and the happy applauds - throughout the way, until the camp, there the ceremonies continued on and on.
link: http://www.gii.co.il/index.php?page_id=615