Creating shareholder value through discoveries and strategic development

The company is currently focused on advancing its Rodadero and La Patilla Projects where drilling has intersected high-grade values near-surface in Mexico.

Message: Felize Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo mis amigos

Felize Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo mis amigos

posted on Dec 25, 2009 11:23AM

Felize Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo

posted on Dec 25, 09 10:39AM

good Christmas morning my friends. As I sit here in the sunshine in the patio, drinking coffee, and smelling the delicious odor of Orange Blossoms, I am reminded of our drilling and exploration crews working for Us in subzero weather, with a dedication which actually exceeds simple salaries. I am deeply thankful for them, and the fact that I ' can' sit here in shorts working on the book.

I am thankfull for all of the good wishes that I have received both in here, and from friends abroad. 'especially' for poor Andreas who has patiently put up with my inanities and reinstalled me so many times tht I have forgotten to keep count.

I am especially thankful for the Lord granting me the unique privelige of a full life of adventuring and exploration.

In so many ways I am truly blessed. If I tend to forget this, because of any distractions in the stock market / ROF, I feel that it is HIS Fault for not makng me perfect, 'despite my personal opinion'.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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