Welcome To the Gold Bullion Development Corp. HUB On AGORACOM

So far in 2015, three trenches have been completed in the area covering the smallest proposed pit located furthest west with channel sampling from the middle trench, TR15-11, returning 6.05 g/t Au over 8 m including 14.98 g/t Au over 3 m.

Message: Any timeline on news

Board is quite these days while we all wait for news--not much to say that has not already been said.

I believe that the pp should close this week, but being involved in other pp, I know it takes longer to get the last cheques in and finalized. My guess is there will not be a announcement for another week until the pp is closed.

My question to the board is--do you think GBB would announce assay results before the pp is closed? My thoughts are they would not--if this is the case, we could have to wait for 1-2 weeks for news on assays.

I know this is a test of patience..but us long GBB shareholders who do believe, will be greatly rewarded.

October will be a great month for GBB imho.


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