Everyone reading these postings has something in common, we have all been exposed to LGDI and their potential to become a leading producer of "fertilizer" for the growing world markets.
If like myself, you have decided to believe information and news that has been published on legend, then you are looking for the company to sell 5M tons of Phosphates annually at ~$400. per ton. After expenses that still translates to more than 1B in earnings annually. At a P/E ratio of 5, we are looking at $25. per share within two years.
As long as you believe the company line, you are holding a $25.00 stock. Those who don't take a long view, or those who are trading based on momentum, or those that don't trust what they have been told by Legend are selling.
Let them sell, and don't let it bother you. It is an opportunity to buy more and strengthen your position. If watching the stock price decline bothers you, stop watching the stock on a daily basis. Once a week and you will start tracking an upward trend again very soon. Very soon indeed.
Good Luck!