Developing phosphate interests in the Georgina Basin, Queensland, Australia

Message: Takeover very real possibility!

Takeover very real possibility!

posted on Feb 23, 2009 08:27AM

The closer Joe.G gets to getting that rock out of the ground the closer we get to the reality of a takeover. I mean look at it from the big 2 in potash, Mosaic and POT's point of view. They have had a comfort level in their industry because they cornered it. Now you have phosphate prices picking up. Unlike potash phosphate is found in more places than Sask. Canada. With prices picking up and new fertilizer players coming into play and dare i say Legend at the forefront would you sit idley by while others were cutting into your piece of pie, i don't think so!

We have the goods the amount of money invested in us by very powerful players says so, lets say we got an offer of 8-10 dollars a share, some of you may laugh but this would be a dollar figure of 1.7-2.2 billion now throw in a capex of a billion i'll go high. Is this alot of money, at the high, total cost with capex would be 3 billion. That is not alot of money when you consider these deposits are holding in excess of 30-40 billion a mine life of over 30 years with phosphate prices rising and the actual size of the other deposits yet to be determined we may be able to add another 10 billion plus. Now with this kind of money coming out of the ground very soon other takeovers by whoever possess these deposits could also be a reality. So i feel we are in a very excellent position our strong handed share holders will not except anything less than what they feel they should get and when you look at whos involved that will be a very nice number!

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