With the high volume of stock that has been trading the last few days, I am left wondering who in the world would be selling their shares at these prices.
I would have imagined that any institutions that needed out, have gotten out long ago, and the day traders don't have much of a play any longer. That leaves the unanswered question of What Idiot would sell this stock at 50 cents?
The next question is, how can we help the Gutnicks spread the word to the multitude of institutional investors to take a serious long term look at this incredible company.
Us steadfast, long term LGDI enthusiasts should make the effort to leverage our contacts to help the company promote this stock. We can make a difference in getting the stock to move a bit closer to reality.
The current price is a true steal, and should easily be recognized as such by any analyst with a days worth of experience. Lets' all take the responsibility to get the word out, "GO LONG ON LGDI"
Good Advice is - Worth its' weight in Phosphate!