Developing phosphate interests in the Georgina Basin, Queensland, Australia

Message: Re: Good News With Bad

Mar 17, 2010 12:08AM

Mar 17, 2010 06:36AM

Mar 17, 2010 07:55AM

I read through the 8K again and I didn't see anything that specifically stated or even implied that they still plan to ship this year. In fact I can only infer that in fact the plan is to postpone DSO shipping (see italicized excerpt below). That like the other two excerpts I included in my previous post smacks of preparative language designed to cushion the blow of the news of yet another delay.

Can you direct me to something I've missed?

IFFCO is the single largest consumer of phosphate fertilizers in India and have agreed, subject to the negotiation and execution of a definitive off-take agreement, to offtake up to 5 million tonnes of phosphate rock per year from Legend’s future production. IFFCO and Legend have extended the date of executing a definitive rock off-take agreement by a further 2 years to mid 2012.

Mar 18, 2010 10:27PM
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