The Pieces are all falling into place !
It has taken a little while, but it appears that the wait has been worthwhile.
The MOU's with Xstrata and Coogee Chemicals support the release of a positive feasibility study by Wengfu, as these are needed components for the operations of the plants that will be built.
The signing of agreements with the Aboriginal Owners of the land are a critical piece of gaining final Government approval of the mines, which is also needed for the final release of a feasibility study.
An updated JORC Resource Estimate confirms a long lasting supply of phosphates required for the release of a positive feasibility study.
A lot of work has obviously been going on in the background for the last number of months. Kudo's to the team at LGDI for moving the ball forward.
The PPS should be on an upward trajectory from here forward.
Long and Strong LGDI !!!