Developing phosphate interests in the Georgina Basin, Queensland, Australia

Message: Legend Said to Seek Buyers for Parts of Australian Phosphate Operations

All commodity prices have gone through the roof in the last year. Dap included and they most likely will continue higher. The problem is our LGDI share price hasn't. I don't know why Gutnick has now decided to sell the phosphate assets, when that could have been on the front burner some time ago, if they wanted to sell them.

I personally believe that what's happening now was brought on by Wengfu's not wanting to take a large enough equity stake in LGDI and that's causing them to sell. I may be wrong, but it seemed strange to me when they annouced this valuation study recently in order to bid out their assets. Why would they have to do that if Wengfu was coming in to back the project? Regardless, this maybe the best thing in the near term to get the share price higher quicker. We'll see.

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