Developing phosphate interests in the Georgina Basin, Queensland, Australia

Message: My 2c
I really don't like posting much reason is I don't like wasting peoples time with useless info but when I do post I hope it's usefull This is the way I see it In my opinion only there are "equity partners" of that's what you want to call them lining up only the big boys who want and need this stuff wouldn't be surprised if there are governments involved or controlling what is about to happen BUT they will all come with a huge list of conditions and/or demands/ concerns on how this will work These guys arnt interested in diamonds, gold or whatever else we might have, they are only interested in our phosphate. This is why this is dragging out This deal will Only happen once we receive all our approval for the building of the plant and anything else we are waiting for ( I don't think it will happen before Christmas only my opinion) Then only after we do receive grants/approval there will be more drilling to determine how much more phosphate we have on the other granted sites which will bump up the value even more, After that the company should/probably split and spin Off the shares to split the company up Then once all that has been completed contracts will/probably be signed and we should see some action With phosphate in demand and prices rising it will be a train with no stops This is the way I see it and only my opinion please do your own research and goodluck Like many of you I have been in this stock for a while probably longer then most of you and I'm not selling this puppy till hopefully this grows into a monster Hope this info is useful and not useless
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