Developing phosphate interests in the Georgina Basin, Queensland, Australia

Message: Re: What will this mean for the common shareholder?

Divedogg, you got it Brother! The gig is up, but Gutnick and his minions have made out fine for the last several years. They've made plenty on money in salaries, perks, and their other investments that they rode on the back of LGDI shareholders. Whatever the Soros' or Slager's lose are just small write-offs for them.

It's become obvious now that no big investor would touch this with a ten-foot pole. Gutnick wooed Wengfu for the longest, then after they bailed he claimed there were multiple suitors beating LDGI's door down to get in on this project. That was all BS. NOBODY TRUSTS THESE CROOKS. THAT'S WHY THEY HAVE RESORTED TO DO THIS MOST RECENT LAST DITCH EFFORT TO KEEP THEIR HEAD ABOVE WATER. So, where are all the equity investors lined up to come and invest?

I sold my shares already, but it still steams me the way we were all misled by these guys.

It's possible they could pull something to get the shares moving higher, but I'm skeptical. Good luck to all you suckers still holding shares. No disrespect meant.

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