Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: I hadn't heard of this tech. Interesting

Maybe JB should see what it would cost, just to be Double-Dog sure, LOL

"(XYZ) is pleased to announce the successful completion of Phase 1 Satellite Imaging under the Joint Venture agreement.

The imaging was carried out by Consorcio de Tecnologias Avanzadas de Columbia Ltda. and ENCO Petroleum Ltd, Bogota Columbia. The imaging technology was developed in the Ukraine and employs a satellite operated by the Russian Space Agency. A high spectrum, UV laser calibrated to detect exclusively gold mineralization is beamed to the target site. The technology captures repetitive images detecting responses to the UV laser on mineralized fields (in this case, gold mineralization). These responses (or anomalies) are processed and mapped to identify the volumetric intensity (grade level) and size of the various anomalies.

The satellite imaging covered 2,134 acres of the Company's 37,000 acres. The purpose of the imaging was twofold: (1) to confirm existing geology developed by Mr. David Burney, XYZ's geologist through 2 drilling programs and on-site mapping and sampling, and (2) to identify further areas of potential interest, if any. The Company believes that both goals were achieved with this imaging program. The satellite imaging identified 27 gold anomalies, a number of which also showed high intensity levels. A total of 217 surface acres were identified by the 27 anomalies.

Mr David Burney, XYZ's Geologist, stated: "I am very pleased with the results of Phase l of the satellite imaging and surprised by the number of anomalies. Many of the mineralized zones we have previously identified from mapping and drilling were identified by the satellite imagery as anomalies. The fact that the satellite imagery identified anomalies in known areas of mineralization creates a level of confidence in this technology."

Mr Jerry Pane, Chairman and CEO, stated: "The results from the satellite imaging, which appear to in line if not outperforming prior drilling campaigns, is a real testament to members of our staff who have worked tirelessly the past number of years for deferred salaries, namely David Burney (XYZ's Geologist), Ruben Figueredo (XYZ's Chief Operating Officer) and Juan Serrat (XYZ's Chief Technology Oficer). They have demonstrated the faith and trust in our company and the vision in their work, realizing early on the opportunity that existed for this company."

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