El Presidante VP. I realize that this is a very important YET (shhh period) to LBSR. The concept is really so facinating. We should see lots of "peepers coming out,imo. I have been a peeper here and in our LBSR thru name changes thru ups and downs, back to 2004. That The MGMT opted to enter here plus you're being a very HIGH quality poster, of course i steped in here to the postings. Should a flood of posters begin to flo, it would so pleasant that they are all trully held to the Agoracom.com standards for posting. Reading thru trash day after day to glean the true talking points can be a very exhaustive task. It is a big favor for us to have the priviledge to be here in a place that keeps on topic and voids the slander of other men/wo-men as well. Imo one day posters will flood here and wittness the fresh environment and heal the old wounds of confussion which they endure on posting boards, such as the pit we just left back a few years ago, so upward and onward to all of us. Here again I" sincerely do apprecieate you're very sober postings", kindly keep em like you do smack in the middle of the road, as nothing is so strong as clarity.