Further to my previous post, here's and example of what a major discovery can do to the share price of an explorer. In this case, however, the discorvery was made by a company able to proceed initially without a partner, and to further it's gains during drilling by selling only a small faction of the company until they were taken over entirely, to the huge benefit of early shareholders.
I love this story and have referenced it many times here, but here's a new overview highlighing just what a major discovery can do for shareholders in a exploration-phase compay. I also like this story because I was into it in a small way from before this claim was even in the company stable, and at 50 cents per share.
Yeah, I was in from 50 cents to the equivalent of 174 dollars, and I should have added as the story improved, but I didn't. Still, the way I handled this was wiser than being all in on something that could have gone bust in a flash (from unexpected legal problems to mischief in the lab, etc.).
Be sure to click PART 2 at the top of the first page. Part 3, I think, will be available next week.
Oh, and please note that I am not forecasting that LBSR can/will go up like this one. ...just sharing some interesting history on a tiny exploration company and how it succeded on one long shot on neglected, misanalyed ground.