Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Re: Just Dreaming....What Would Happen If?

Value. What do the figures matter as i intentionally lowballed them each and the beginning of the PD buyout was staged in and around mid to late 1990s. That somebody has 900 or 90,000 employees isnt the point either. The point was and is that LBSR, like it or not had Joint Ventures in the works with the likes of HDI and Phelps Dodge, whom both happen to be considered (not Jr mining corporations nor Jr.Mineral Exploation companies) MAJORs! That said the mention of "SILVER BELLE WEST" is that and to highlite that Eurasain has performed quite extensive Geo workovers at the SBW claimset and found OTHER than dirt on strong trendlines following very strong magnetic indicators thru the Eastern portion of the adjoining Real Estate (AZ land). Mentioning that the dirt went all the way to Alabama was a mistake on my part as it happens to continue al the way thru Georgia then underwater way out below into the Atlantic Ocean . Agin the point was the refference to what was below the surface of the dirt in the area of the Silver Belle West in Ariazona, HELLO!

The message is and was, can JB find real ore bodies?/! Can JB get and make deals with large consortiums?/! So you dont get it because i think you didnt reread your thread. I am not punning you and i am not getting into the idea that a lump of GOLD and trillions of pounds of such are located below any of JBs claims when in fact i think there is so much more than just dirt, but just not lumps the size of the MOON. Guess its time to whip out my proffessors HAT! PS: kindly check out my duration of membership here, i been around a long long time,lots of water has flowed under my bridge.

Nov 12, 2015 11:49AM
Nov 12, 2015 01:17PM
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