Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Gold up Huge... $39 Just Today at $1234!

The shoe has already dropped. The shoe is the long established "gold baseline". In the last 2 years the Swiss Banks were just a vote away in their Government seat to recert a gold based economy. Heres the kicker. Oil was the big stable Monicker of an efficient economy, then fracking Boomed huge in the USA, at the $100. level USA turned the oil efficiency on its head upsetting the price per barrel balance in exchange valuation, meaning USA goods became far more valuable on the Homeland and would bring in great economic returns to the USA. When the Senate voted to make the USA an oil exporting country all the red flags were up and flying. This economic bonanza for the USA could not be allowed and thus the PRICE embargo to bring the oil drilling and recovery to its knees. It woeked OPEC got its way. Now money is looking for new and greaner fields of investment, its the old story if you cant hit the ball as a leftie try hitting as a rightie. Money isnt going to wait for the silly oil game to end and the chase is on to get metals fired up, the signals have been there since the cratered oil prices first hit and knowing that we can get oil now from many more new sources it dosent support the scarcity prices of olde oil. New oil is abundant and sourced and accesed it can flow to mkt very easily,scarscity value is gone, as now we can get massive oil from OHIO, PA, MI, Ill,all mid west states, CANADA,Texas, Utah, Gulf of Mexico. However fear not, metals are rated in the diminuative catagory of BLOOMING SCARECITY, fallshorts in supplu are noted well before 2020. As we are seeing in the UPTAKE now i would expect to see raw metals sector EXPLODE under the pressure, perhaps not so many of those Drillers will be out of work for so much longer as the METALS BOOM which is already beginning in 1st gear nice and smoothly which is also exactly the sign of getting entrenched for a very reliable and strong recovery into metals, IMO this is phase 1 and will last for years to come. GOOD money should begin to enter and bolster the move, money shifts the Metals sector into 2nd then 3rd and 4th gears to a nice smoothe recovery into metals. The scarcity of these metals should only influence a very good recovery in prices, which will flo from retail back to manufacturing/miners. LBSR with Hay Mountaing should have lots and lots of Blue Sky, getting even Bluer thru phases yet to come. Mine to market is the game, with HM strategically positioned near railroald, highway, aviation, and all needed infrustructure for needed labores, teachers, + Arizona on location. Money needs a market and as somebody said it will find a place, to me it looks like the hunt is now GAMEON!

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