As for me i am impatiently waiting, but waiting nevertheless. This flashed up here last week that a jr exp up in BC,CA is hitting early geo tests of incredible \high grams per ton, obviously it is a jr and it is located up in the Golden Triangle BC. With JB&BOD hitting 22 +% gossans i thought i would stay in JRs that have very high grading Jrs with same rating, high grade discoveries that is. Check this out,cee bbelow. I dont want to take any away from LBSR but just thinking that it would be just as sweet to just know that something down there can be extremely promicingly HIGH in yet not proven resources. GOOG golden tri-angle in BC, Ca, likely JB&BOD will be hitting some good stuff based on the gossans and the location of HM in the Bisbee trend, AZ. So just while we are waiting FWIW. HOPE i dont get a toss for posting about the triangle, as i am just comparing the value of real good geo discoveries in exploration phases and putting my wishful thinking into a pair of shoes, geologists boots that is, i am not a geologise fwiw, amature here. Guess i will roll the dice on the toss, here goes!
High Grade Specimens Avg. 27,092 gm/t Silver and 248 gm/t Gold