Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Answer to lvargas' & risingstar's question to management [5.30.2018]

"We are meeting many new people and gaining accolades by those willing to do the due diligence evaluation work if they are not already familiar with the methodologies.  Such visits are part of the normal sequence of events as potential financial interests go through their due diligence."

The statements in BOLD print (my doing) are the ones that interest me.  They seem to me to be an attempt to answer the questions posed, without giving away details.

If I understand the English language correctly, there are ongoing visits at Hay Mountain.  The use of the present tense verb "are meeting" indicates this.  I.m.o., this is better than the past tense "have met".  It describes an ongoing process of events that are taking place.  This is good news.  "Potential financial interests" are interested and doing their "due diligence."   Amen.

All this must be done in order for things to proceed.

"gaining accolades" was obviously meant to be a very positive statement, indicating a favorable response from those doing the investigating.  Well, Amen!  

All just my humble opinion. 

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