Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Re: Message
Jul 19, 2018 12:52PM

Jul 19, 2018 02:49PM

Jul 19, 2018 03:08PM

Jul 19, 2018 03:33PM
Jul 19, 2018 04:31PM
Jul 19, 2018 04:55PM

Jul 19, 2018 05:59PM
Jul 19, 2018 11:33PM

Jul 20, 2018 04:56AM

Jul 20, 2018 05:33AM

I wouldnt expect very many people to have the desire to tour Hay Mountain during the summer heat. Ive never been to Arizona but I have done some time in Al Anbar Province, Iraq during the summer and if its anything similar I might have to wait until the fall. However, potentially hundreds of billions, if not more, dollars are at stake (and then again maybe not) so maybe the heats not that unbearable? What I liked most about JBs response wasnt what he said, it was what he didnt say. Sure he tried to give a monsoon excuse, but lets face it: Arizona is not south east Asia or India, so I dont see 24 hour periods of rain happening. In that aspect he probably shouldnt play poker, he cant hide when he has nothing at the moment very well. Thats not to say somethings not going on (or is) it just says he either cant talk about it right now (which I choose to believe) or nothing will go on. WHat I like is he didnt try to sell us a lemon. He didnt respond like some used car salesman or some guy trying to sell cheap products not worth the money (but wait theres more! You also get...). There wasnt any of that, just a brief response, which personally I would rather have than alot of hocus pocus...unless the shows about to start, in that case bring on the magic wand.

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