You just answered our own question here. That answer is that JB can hold out as the DEMAND for ore is growing exponentially where the MAJOR economies are BOOMING, USA,RUSSIA,GERMANY,CANADA,JAPAN,MID-EAST,EUROPE,INDIA,INDONESIA,AUSTRALIA,USA,N.Z.,South America save for Venzuala, and accross to AFRICA. China is paddeling a canoe for now but isnt hurting the GLOBAL scale. Supply and demand of new technologies are pulling the demand side ahead at a fair pace. So the pressure is on for ORE minerals and pipelines, factories, other infrustructure is being built out. That is JBs/OUR ACE in the hole, that buying pressure from the GLOBAL POPULATION, a shift away from the heavy China or die syndrome. a) population boom b) demand for new supply c) technological BOOM impressing the public to buy buy buy. Just basic facts.