Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Re: Can someone repost JB's response to one of the members here?

Dear Kool Mule,


Thanks for your interest in what I am doing.


I am continuing to explore worldwide now, as I have been doing for 55 years now. This is completely possible with new sophisticated computer equipment and a massive number of interested and excited geologists that have contacted me from all ore finding specialties who understand and qualify for my objectives.  This is a program which started with an invitation from Saudi Arabia which I have visited  twice in the recent past, to explore the entire sub-continent.  However recent war events have caused us to post pone further efforts in that area for the time being.  However all other peaceful countries and jurisdictions which do not have bureaucratic strings that make efficient exploration and mining impossible will undergo very thorough and expert evaluation done with the speed and efficiency that modern techniques make possible.


I am very concerned with the welfare of current investors and shareholders of Liberty Star whom I am one.  Telephone calls to me are welcome 520-907-9492.  I will discuss, without undercutting the current management, why Hay Mountain is a wonderful project and some of the reasons it is not underwritten by a joint venture partners.


The potential of Hay Mountain, though not unequivocal, I continue to believe is great.  The world class Bisbee mining district only 15 miles or less to the south, though Jurassic in age while Hay Mountain appears to be Laramide (much younger), is worth reviewing.  The upper sections of the Paleozoic limestones at Bisbee are equivalent to those exposed Hay Mountain and are for the most part barren or low grade.  However, when workings slowly penetrated to the base of the Paleozoic section – the Martin formation – the true bonanza was revealed – 30% copper in very large ore bodies replacing that receptive limestone. These orebodies kept the district going for 76 years.  Once this became known – a variety of intrepid owners of poorly mineralized claims in fresh blue limestone,  started sinking shafts in their Upper Paleozoic, barren blue limestone, to develop massive fortunes in the Martin formation 2,000 feet (approx.) below.  This is why the surface at Hay Mountain is largely irrelevant – though it does show compelling indicators (geophysics, geochemistry, metal zoning, thorough marbelization etc., breccia and other indicators).  The high grade will be in the lowest limestone units.


I have studied Bisbee all of my professional life.  When I was a Junior in college (I went with the rest of my Ore Finding Class) to Bisbee where we descended to the 1,500 foot level to look at the high grade stopes in that area.  I was impressed and carried that vision with me to the current time.  I have visited many underground mines - - The Magma Mine at Superior AZ to the 4,500’ level – so hot (rock temperature about 145 degrees F) that it had to be cooled with a massive (for the time -about 1964) refrigeration plant so also the very high grade ore of the Magma vein could be mined.  Later I visited the President Brand mine (gold in the Witwatersrand basin, South Africa) at the 11,000 foot level – also even hotter and had to be cooled constantly.  The new Resolution mine on the same mineral zone  as the Magma mine, AZ (above) will be mined robotically from the approximant 15 thousand foot level.  This is a wonder of engineering.


If the grade of ore is there to support underground mining, the depth is becoming irrelevant - As it is at Hay Mountain though there may be openpitable ore present as well.


I believe your investment in Liberty Star will pay off, so my advice is stay the course -whatever the course may be if it is reasonable.


Best regards, Jim  Briscoe



There is a new (I first saw it yesterday) and great report from PhD Geophysicist and PhD Geologist, Chief Interpreting Geophysicist Jean Le Gault, of Geotech. Including a recapitulation of the geology (from me) and the Geophysics of Hay Mountain (by him).  I think this will become a classic in ore finding when we are successful delimitating  the ore body I expect. You can google Geotech in Toronto, Canada, and see a copy of this on their website.

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