Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Who to blame

I think you need to get your time line straight. Your mistaken account implies culpability, when the truth is actually exactly the opposite. Now, I also have to admit some of this is even before my time- and I'd have to go through reams of posts and NRs to put it together- but as I recall- it is true that JB did extensive exploration in Arizona early on- there is JABA and Silver Bell, etc. But Hay Mountain was never a serious target until after the original ZTEM and the subsequent SRK N143-101 compliant report first reported in 2011 but not revised until 10/2013. By that time serious work was already underway at Big Chunk - including some drilling- see NR 142- with high hopes for success. There was no reason not to concentrate all our resources and efforts there until the EPA/Pebble fiasco. It would have been malpractice NOT to proceed at Big Chunk until it became untenable due to the EPA/environmentalist efforts. Only then, was JB able to rescue the situation by brilliantly utilizing the results of our "hole in one" and arrange for NAK to release us from our debts, allowing us then to rise from the ashes and proceed to our refuge at Hay Mountain. 

Again- as far as I am aware- there was never a plan to drill at HM before the move to Alaska- we were  already in Alaska when the  HM ZTEM was flown. But although drilling was never planned at that time at HM- during the winter down time in Alaska- exploration and preparatory work was being done at HM. But the serious plan to drill at HM was only entertained after proceeding at Big Chunk was deemed no longer feasable. It was essentially Plan B. Fortunately a very good Plan B, however. And JB spent the next years doing the costly and extensive work to bring us to the point where we are now- being ready to drill. It could not have been done earlier due to the formidable permitting issues- including environmental impact studies and even archeological studies as well as ongoing geological sampling and geo-biological sampling to further refine targeting.

Unfortunately- just when we need him most- after all that effort- he is being excluded- to our great detriment. Great sounding plans to get to funding have been floated- but not anything as yet in the way of results.

Here are a few NRs of interest:


Gold, Copper Explorer Liberty Star Receives Field Report, Big Chunk Alaska


TUCSON, Ariz.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp. (“Liberty Star” or the “Company”)(LBSR: OTCQB) is pleased to announce CEO, Chief Geologist James A. Briscoe has received a preliminary activity report from Field Manager Jay Crawford and the geologic team recapping the 2012 drilling program at the Company’s Big Chunk Super Project.

The Field Manager reports that the Nikovena Camp was left in good condition and the drill hole capped for the 2013 drilling season, planned to begin May 15, 2013. Other report highlights:

  1. Drill equipment and staff performed well in the field. The same equipment is suitable for next season’s drilling program.
  2. Core sample splits are in transit to the Company’s Tucson warehouse for more detailed examination and logging by Briscoe and the Liberty Star geologic staff.
  3. Photographic and instrument readings indicate the presence of porphyry copper markers, including broken rock (breccia) through the entire depth of the hole that has been re-cemented and pervasively chloritized, with disseminated pyrite, and finely disseminated copper pyrite (chalcopyrite) and occasional spots of moly (molybdenite). Near the bottom of the hole, several tens of feet of fluidized pebble dikes (characteristic of the porphyry copper environment) were cut. Felsic dikes with copper and moly were also cut.
  4. The split core samples will be forwarded within the next 2 to 3 weeks to the MEG prep lab near Reno, Nevada. After suitable preparation, including thorough crushing, pulverizing, and homogenization and splitting out a 200 gram sample, randomization and insertion of control samples, and blind repeat samples – known as quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC), 200 grams of each sample will be air shipped to the Certified ALS Assay facility in Vancouver, BC, Canada for assay for 64 elements. Those results will then be added to the geologic log of the drill hole. Final conclusions can then be drawn.

States Company CEO Jim Briscoe: “The early indications are that we are seeing a porphyry copper zone. We must drill additional holes adjacent to or deeper in our first hole to intercept the copper gold zone associated with this target which is one of between 4 to 12 we have identified which lie within our claims. A return to the Nikovena Camp and our south block is planned in May. In the interim we will concentrate our efforts on our Hay Mountain claims in southeast Arizona.”

“James A. Briscoe” James A. Briscoe, Professional Geologist, AZ CA
CEO/Chief Geologist

Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

About Liberty Star’s Big Chunk Super Project:

Liberty Star, through its wholly owned Alaska subsidiary, Big Chunk Corp., holds exclusive mineral exploration rights to 612 state mining claims in two blocks covering approximately 177 square miles in southwestern Alaska. The Big Chunk claims were initially staked in 2003 along the Big Chunk caldera, which is believed to host Northern Dynasty Minerals’/Anglo American’s Pebble Project. Liberty Star has recently conducted exploratory drilling on specific targets for porphyry copper, gold, molybdenum (moly), silver and zinc. SRK Consulting submitted a NI 43-101 compliant technical report on the Big Chunk Super Project in 2010: available on Liberty Star’s web site

Forward Looking Statements:

Statements in this news release that are not historical are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this news release include the same equipment is suitable for next season’s drilling program, photographic and instrument readings indicate the presence of porphyry copper markers, the split core samples will be forwarded within the next 2 to 3 weeks to the MEG prep lab near Reno, Nevada, and that the early indications are that we are seeing a porphyry copper zone. Factors which may delay or prevent these forward-looking statements from being realized include: we may not be able to raise sufficient funds to complete our intended exploration, keep our properties or carry on operations; and an inability to continue exploration due to weather, logistical problems, labor or equipment problems or hazards even if funds are available. Despite encouraging data there may be no commercially exploitable mineralization on our properties. Readers should refer to the risk disclosures in the Company’s recent 10-K and the Company’s other periodic reports filed from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.
Tracy Myers, 520-425-1433
Investor Relations
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This entry was posted in News Releases on September 17, 2012.

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 NR 141 – Gold, Copper Explorer Liberty Star Updates Scout Drilling Program at Big Chunk, AlaskaNR 143 – Copper, Gold Explorer Liberty Star Acquires More AZ State Mineral Exploration Permits on Tombstone Super Project

NR 136 – Diamond Core Drill Rig to be Airlifted to LBSR’s Big Chunk Super Project: Immediate Drilling to Begin

August 22, 2012 09:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time  

Diamond Core Drill Rig to be Airlifted to LBSR’s Big Chunk Super Project: Immediate Drilling to Begin


TUCSON, Ariz.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp. (“Liberty Star” or the “Company”) (LBSR: OTCQB) is pleased to announce Jim Stevens, Nikovena Camp general contractor, has sent word that the diamond core drill rig is being airlifted to the Company’s top priority target on the Big Chunk Super Project, south block and plans to begin exploratory drilling on Wednesday, August 22nd.

The 40,000 pound rig is going to be airlifted from Anchorage to Iliamna by DC-3 aircraft, and then slung by helicopter to Target 1, (of 12) drill site 1, where drilling will commence. The drill site is fully prepared to accommodate immediate drilling. It is expected the drilling crew could drill up to 200 feet per day on the first hole. Should all go as planned, the company can expect core drilling to continue into early September.

Liberty Star CEO and Chief Geologist Jim Briscoe states, “My congratulations to Jim Stevens and his team; much planning and effort went into getting the drill rig to the field. LBSR will log the core as it comes out of the hole, using the tools as described in recent News Release 133 dated August 6, 2012. After logging and sawing the core in half, one half will be sent under NI43-101 protocols for sample preparation and assay.”

“James A. Briscoe” James A. Briscoe, Professional Geologist, AZ CA
CEO/Chief Geologist
Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

About the Big Chunk Super Project:

Liberty Star, through its wholly owned Alaska subsidiary, Big Chunk Corp., holds exclusive mineral exploration rights to 612 state mining claims in two blocks covering approximately 177 square miles in southeastern Alaska. The Big Chunk claims were initially staked in 2003 along the Big Chunk caldera which is believed to host Northern Dynasty Minerals’/Anglo American’s Pebble project. Exploratory drilling on specific targets for porphyry copper, gold, molybdenum (moly), silver and zinc is planned for summer, 2012. SRK Consulting submitted a NI 43-101 compliant technical report on the Big Chunk Super Project in 2010. It is available on Liberty Star’s web site


NR 158 – Liberty Star Hay Mountain Update: ZTEM Survey Overflight Completed

July 16, 2013 12:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Liberty Star Hay Mountain Update: ZTEM Survey Overflight Completed

TUCSON, Ariz.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp. (“Liberty Star” or the “Company”)(LBSR: OTCQB) is pleased to announce that its geophysics contractor, Geotech Ltd., has reported the completion of all ZTEM survey overflights surveying the Company’s Hay Mountain property and surroundings. The ZTEM survey entailed 1,805 line kilometers @ 200 meters and 400 meters line spacing, and approximately 8 meters between samples (readings) along each line. Porphyry coppers, other mineral bodies and geologic features have distinctive characteristics which can be detected and interpreted by ZTEM technology, which allows modeling or “seeing” conductive or resistive features from a few hundred feet (100 meters) to depths as much as 6,000 feet (2,000 meters).

“We will then be able to draw conclusions and readjust drill targets. This interpretation and refinement will continue throughout the exploration of Hay Mountain.”

As previously stated (NR 155), the speed of completion of the survey was dependent on how many flying hours were available each day. This is now monsoon season in southeast Arizona, and the survey craft was not flown during periods of turbulent air due to heat and thunderstorms. Flights started at daybreak and were scheduled to terminate either at dusk or when turbulence was encountered. Notes Company CEO and Chief Geologist Jim Briscoe, “We monitored weather reports from the Hay Mountain vicinity constantly. The Cochise County area has received record amounts of rainfall during the last 10 days, and in particular the last week. As an example, the village of Palominas, only a few miles from the survey’s SW edge, where 5.5 inches fell in an hour, was devastated and has been cut off from road access. Despite these frequent and heavy periods of air turbulence, lightning storms and rainfall, Geotech’s tenacious field staff was able to complete a phenomenal amount of work, while remaining vigilant in watching for the safety of staff and equipment. I am a southern Arizona native and understand the unpredictability and dangers of the monsoon season. The Geotech flight and field crews do too.”

The flight data from Saturday morning’s final flight lines have been transmitted to Geotech’s Toronto area headquarters, where they, as all previous flight line data, are being checked for any data collection errors. As of Monday morning about 10 a.m., Geotech’s Toronto area office emailed Liberty that all tests are complete – the data is accurate and complete and the aircraft is leaving for the next job. Continues Briscoe: “If there were any problem areas, they would have been surveyed again, and rechecked until all was correct. It now is. This penchant for good data is important to Geotech and Liberty Star. We put our faith in them.”

The geophysical electromagnetic and magnetic data collected by the ZTEM survey will be processed and interpreted by Geotech Ltd., in collaboration with Liberty Star, within about two to four weeks after the overflight and check. The new data sets will then be transmitted to Liberty Star, where they will be combined with the Company’s many geologic and geochemical maps into GIS (Geographic Information Systems, ESRI – computer maps) and will undergo interpretation. Concludes Briscoe, “We will then be able to draw conclusions and readjust drill targets. This interpretation and refinement will continue throughout the exploration of Hay Mountain.”

“James A. Briscoe” James A. Briscoe, Professional Geologist, AZ CA
CEO/Chief Geologist
Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

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