Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Re: Interesting history

Dec 19, 2019 09:56AM

Dec 20, 2019 04:48PM

"Thank You for your renewed optimism."

Renewed? I've never lost optimism in Hay Mountain, only in who may own it - in whole or in part - by the time it finally gets drilled.

"Did you notice on the 'Great Cluster Copper Resources' map, HM potential is 86 billion but at $6. copper." 

Yes, why do you ask?  That is very old information and highly conservative, I think, for legal reasons.  And it clearly states the "value" does not include gold and silver.  I would venture to say that it also excludes consideration of other metals like moly, zinc, lead, rare earths, etc.  Moreover, Hay Mountain is now described as a copper-gold-molybdenum target, meaning that those are the top three ores expected from drilling.  Besides, I am quite confident that at Hay Mountain, we have a target at least as large and as rich as anything ever seen in Arizona, if not larger.  The size should be confirmed soon by the Geotech reports that are pending interpretation for the benefit of us non-physicists.  Expect to be very surprised in a good way.  Confirmation of grades, of course, will be subject to drilling. 

"Copper just managed $3.25 for a high in the last 5 years."

The price of copper is irrelevant in the case of a world-class discovery, even during a recession.  Meanwhile, the Trump administration is making an all-out effort to remove US dependency on foreign resources, particularly in regards to metals.

"This just shows JB's outlook through rose colored glasses."

Could you please restate that?  I don't understand.  JB is gone.  Are you suggesting that everyone who is still working on behalf of the company is doing so with obscured vision?

"Could it be part of the boardroom discussions of late?"

What, JBs "rose-colored" vision?  That is very highly unlikely when board members are buying shares on the open market and making personal loans to the company.  Note, too, that they are attaching their long-built professional reputations to LBSR.

Wake-up, man, look at the work done by Geotech, and the drilling recommendations from SRK, one of the most highly regarded mining consultants in the world.

Dec 23, 2019 10:43AM
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