Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Lawsuits

KHIPP {sic}, you seam (sp){sic} to be in the building . . "

Well not really even on the front lawn. But no one should have to be rooting around. The 2 principals are at hand- JB- whom I am sure would lay things out from his perspective. But the real problem is that BG- who as a company officer has an obligation to we shareholders- in particular after the apparently false statement in a document signed by him- has thus far refused to come forth with an explanation of this matter. As I and others have said before- it's time we heard from him regarding this lawsuit- and- it needs to be said- in a truthful and forthcoming manner.

Like for  everyone else- without access to the documents- all is second hand and heresay. But as far as I understand- - BG alledgedly took possession of JB's personal scientific geological files- some may have been generated during his time with LBSR, but much was accumulated over many decades by JB prior to LBSR and had been in storage and resurrected from ancient handwritten documents and ancient floppy discs. So I don't believe BG is suing JB over these- if anything it would be the other way around as JB might want to recover his alledgedly seized intellectual property.

But- as far as I understand the lawsuit brought against JB by BG in Liberty Star's-  and thus our- name- has variously but accurately been described as small time, petty, stupid and a waste of time and money. It involves an issue regarding some old, essentially worthless vehicles- one, an RV used as a mobile office, an old very heavily used truck, used in the field mostly by  Jay Crawford doing field work, and I believe also an old worn out Datsun (yes) or Honda. I believe these were company vehicles- but may have originally actually been paid for by JB and maintained by him and insurance paid by him. But I'm not certain of those details. In any case- at some point there was actually a fear that the company would go under (hard to believe) and so, to protect them as assets for the company,  I believe they were placed in JB's name so that they couldn't be taken in any bankruptcy proceeding. Then they apparently remained in his name- although never used personally by JB- mainly they were there as a nuisance taking up space. And there has never been an unwillingness to return registration or possession of the now nearly valueless vehicles to the Company's name. And now BG is suing JB to get these vehicles returned to the company. I can't attest to the accuracy of this account (it does seem pretty hard to believe)- but I believe that is the gist of it or at least the general outlines. In any case- stupid and a waste of time? At least that's pretty clear. Is it worth all the Sturm and Drang and possibility of obstructing a deal? Also clearly - No. And has BG given any explanation for all this needless nonsense? Also no. Has he deemed it necessary to cover up this mess? Apparently yes. Most likely because there is no good explanation.

It all seems quite inexplicable and can only be understood as a concocted harrassing lawsuit arising out of personal pique- as I said in my earlier post.

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